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Tony Durke Arts, Tony Durke

T: 778 926 4831   write email

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[Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Oil painting, Wood carving/turning]
An Election Just Might be What This Country Needs (for Luna Park). 17 x 24. Oil on wood. $700
Girl Talk. 24 x 24. Oil on carved wood. 2009.
Healesville. 17 x 25. Oil on carved wood. $800.
Toronto Skyline, seen through the eyes of a Vancouverite. Oil on carved wood. 28 x 42. $900
My love for the Earth is the primary catalyst that my intentions are drawn from. Many of my pieces are made with recycled wood, scavenged from tabletops, plywood, discarded set walls, raw lumber and milled wood.
The landscapes and cityscapes are reflective of the urban environment and decay that most of the worlds' people live in.

I find texture gives life to form. When form is simplified, it allows us to use our imagination to fill in the biology and architecture. It may be emotional or physical. Real or imagined.
The mediums of wood stain, spray paint, varnish and oils are applied with brushes, knives, blades, sandpaper and saws.
I have been constantly honing my style, which involves the wood procurement, planning, carving, sanding, painting, staining, re-sanding and varnishing.
Each piece is unique but follows a set of guidelines and protocols.
Made of wood, it is reflective of the environment from which it came.
I studied visual arts, film and music, growing up in a small town in British Columbia.
I spent my early working years as a commercial fisher and in the forest industry, eventually focusing on film and television to fill the hours when I am not carving or painting.

Buy art. Buy Happiness.

Contact Tony Durke Arts, Tony Durke

1810, 14 Begbie Street, New Westminster, V3M 0C4, British Columbia
778 926 4831   

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