British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Press Release - Merger of and Super Artistic BC Shop Inc. to form 'GO BC Arts & Cultural Tourism Inc.'

Thursday Feb 08, 2007

Victoria, BC – January, 2007 An apparent “natural fit”, company owners announce their decision to combine GoBC, an arts and cultural tourism site, which allows free web listings to support BC’s artists, and Super Artistic BC, a marketing avenue artists use for direct sales to customers via an online gallery. “British Columbia’s arts and cultural base is a great asset to tourism. We, at GoBC, have worked to ensure that the arts and cultural communities’ artists, councils, and activities, gain the exposure and support that was long overdue,” states Wolfgang Zilker, founder and senior system administrator. “‘Cultural Experience’ is the new wave in the tourism industry, especially for Europeans looking to explore more natural, vibrant communities full of culture unlike any they know.” [See Background for more details / founding.] Over the years, GoBC gained support from many local volunteers in the arts community who stepped forward in appreciation. Now, merged with Super Artistic BC, this new promotional power creates a more viable avenue for artists to sell their works directly to customers and tourists alike (added support that may otherwise be absent in their own community). The communities’ chambers of commerce, arts councils, First Nations culture, theatres, heritage sites, and museums will continue to receive free listings. All participants are expected to benefit from the increased or combined online traffic of the two newly united sites. Recap Announcing, the merger of and Super Artistic BC Shop Inc., now GO BC Arts & Cultural Tourism Inc.. The merger will present a more viable, sustainable online resource to support the exposure of the arts and cultural communities within the ‘entire’ province of British Columbia, ‘nationally’ and ‘internationally’ through tourism. Note: as participants of each region discover, contribute, and list with GoBC their community is acknowledged in site searches, content, and on the site’s BC maps. They are otherwise not listed to avoid disappointing visitors with an empty page of information. The system is prepared to handle an unlimited number of listings for each community; all artists, culture details, events, tours, accommodations, and businesses.