British Columbia Travel Guide
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Art prints in Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

Willcox Wildlife Photography, Ted & Coralie Willcox, Gabriola Island

Willcox Wildlife Photography, Ted & Coralie Willcox, Gabriola Island


Gabriola Island, V0R1X7, 1435 Cresta Roca Rd
Ph. 2502479043 or 2502479043

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Art prints, Photography)
Gail Dolyn, Victoria

Gail Dolyn, Victoria

Acrylic, oils, watercolour and charcoal. Realistic to abstract.

Victoria, V8P 1Z4, 1288 Tattersall Dr.
Ph. 2508123331

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Collage / Mixed media, Drawing, Oil painting, Portraiture, Sketching, Water colour painting)
Aliza Souleyeva-Alexander, Sidney

Aliza Souleyeva-Alexander, Sidney

Artist Aliza Souleyeva-Alexander, Original Art and Art Commissions


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art prints, Batik, Fibre art, Folk Art, Mixed Media, Stitchery)
Round Woman Studio, Laurel Hibbert, Duncan

Round Woman Studio, Laurel Hibbert, Duncan

Laurel creates her images from her memory and imagination. Her paintings have a storytelling quality and are joyful in nature depicting whimsical scenes of life.

Duncan, V9L3Y3, 3103 Agira Rd.
Ph. 778-422-1982

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Folk Art | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows)

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