"Kim Hunter is an Artist of great skill with a truly stunning command of various techniques" Agora Gallery
The repertoire developed by this dedicated artist is as diverse in content as it is consistent in quality.
Enjoy the vast collection of images by this talented artist, designer made available for your viewing pleasure. See http://kimhunter.ca Enjoy!

"It is the commissionair's unique vision that enriches my work..." Kim Hunter
Although painting has been an integral part of Kim's entire life, artist Kim Hunter / Indigo professes that Canada's north was the initial inspiration for this prolific Canadian artist and designer. These early arctic influences produced many small polar bear and arctic wildlife paintings on paper (see early works), as well as the encouragement and enthusiasm to encourage this prolific artist.
The underlying Inuit, Metis & Native influences are still prevalent today in the bold unique and numerous styles developed by this prolific and talented artist. Styles ranging from realism, impressionism, art deco paintings to conceptual design and surrealism are all within this Canadian artist's repertoire. See Kim's Sketches for more original landscapes, wildlife, figurative & illustrative works of art. Also see Kim's Art Prints & Posters available online.

From watercolour portraits, oil on canvas painted portraits to simple pencil sketched portraits, depending on your own particular style and budget, have your perfect portrait ranging from realism to art deco painted by artist Kim Hunter / INDIGO.
Click here to contact the artist to submit your photographs, for a quote regarding your own commissioned painted portrait, custom sketched portrait or any painting you envision, or for any questions you may have.

Landscape paintings and drawings are part of the foundation on which artist Kim Hunter / INDIGO has built an entire career of significant contemporary art and design. Canada's north was the initial inspiration, producing many small arctic wildlife and landscape paintings on paper. See Early arctic wildlife & landscapes paintings. Also see Kim's Art Prints & Posters available online.
Underlying Inuit and Metis influences are still prevalent today in the bold articulate, unique and numerous styles developed by this prolific artist, ranging from realism, impressionism, art deco to conceptual design and surrealism. Custom paintings and original fine art is available. Contact the artist for more information.

Sculptures by artist Kim Hunter are unique in that the composition & quality is a natural extension of her two dimensional art works. Sculpture is a natural extension of this artist's vast creative repertoire. See http://kimhunter.ca for Art & Design by Vancouver Artist Kim Hunter. See Commercial art, animation, paintings, photography & much more. Enjoy!
View Kim's Sculpture Slide Show. http://kimhunter.ca/nudes_sculptures_slideshow.htm
Quality, original sculptures, masks and wall hangings are available to suite all your Individual needs.