British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Photography in Northern Gulf Islands

Mary Hicks, Denman Island

Mary Hicks, Denman Island

Woven Copper Sculpture and Fine Art Photography

Denman Island, VOR 1T0, 2961 Yule Road
Ph. 250-335-0498

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Metal art, Photography)
Marna Disbrow, Quadra Island

Marna Disbrow, Quadra Island

Inspired by the perspectives of art history and nature, my paintings and photographs represent my interpretations of their beauties.

Heriot Bay, Quadra Island, V0P1H0, Box 461, 1747 Hyacinthe Bay Road
Ph. 250-285-2094

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Photography)

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