British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Mural painting in City of Victoria

Mario Labonte, City of Victoria

Mario Labonte, City of Victoria

Mario Labonte artist in Victoria B.C.


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Mural painting | Design Arts | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows)
Roberta Cory, City of Victoria

Roberta Cory, City of Victoria

Roberta Cory

Victoria, V9A 2Z8, 610 Pine St.
Ph. 250-360-8448

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Furniture design art, Mixed Media, Mural painting)
Barry Overn, City of Victoria

Barry Overn, City of Victoria

Murals and other Creative Endeavors

Victoria, V8T 2L8, 636 Dunedin St.
Ph. 250-595-8610

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Drawing, Graffiti, Mixed Media, Mural painting, Sketching)

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